13. Harvard must conduct appropriate due diligence on third parties that will store or have access to Harvard confidential information or sensitive systems.

Third parties must be capable of protecting the information and systems to which they have access and must be required to protect the information and systems. 
See also: Policy

Contract language

V2. Written contracts including appropriate university riders must be executed with all vendors/other third parties who collect, process, host, or store information classified as Level 3 and above.   ...

Read more about Contract language

Level 4 vendors

V3: The security design, policies, and procedures of vendors and other third parties who will collect, process, host or store Level 4 information or manage Harvard critical systems must be reviewed by a University Information Security Officer. Find out more about Vendor Reviews.

Read more about Level 4 vendors

Vendor contracts

V1. Written contracts and appropriate riders must be executed with all vendors and other third parties who have access to Harvard non-public systems.