Report location and volumes of identifiable records with full Social Security Numbers annually

SSN4: The Harvard “business owner” of any records containing identifiable records with full SSNs, whether electronic or paper, stored by the Harvard unit or by a vendor, must annually report that there are such records and describe the system or systems on which they are maintained, the retention schedule, the location of the system(s), and the approximate number of such records containing full SSNs.


How to Comply

Report location and volumes of identifiable records with full Social Security Numbers annually


When collected for legal requirements: Complete the online form Full SSNs Collected for Legal Requirements for each system or process collecting or storing full SSNs and submit it to the University Information Security office. Contact the Information Security Office at to request access to the reporting form, as needed.
When collected for business purposes and not a legal requirement:...

Read more about Report location and volumes of identifiable records with full Social Security Numbers annually