Secure locations

SC8: Servers must be kept in secure locations and properly inventoried, whether the system is managed directly by Harvard or via contract with a third-party service provider for Harvard's use (e.g. IaaS, SaaS).

How to Comply

Inventory Level 4 servers appropriately

Inventory Level 4 servers on an annual basis. At a minimum, annually conduct a formal survey of server owners in your department and ask them to provide the following information for each server in their application portfolio:

  • Business or Practice name
  • Asset (server) name
  • System location
  • System purpose
  • Type of Level 4 information stored, e.g. SSN, credit card, bank account, driver's license, state ID, passport or visa, or biometric data
  • Type of environment, e.g. production, test, development
  • Server type, e.g. physical...
Read more about Inventory Level 4 servers appropriately

Keep Level 4 servers in secure locations

Level 4 servers must be kept in secure locations which are under University control and which restrict access to authorized users with verified credentials. For keyed access, doors must be locked and ID checked before allowing access. Whether card swipe or keyed access, all access must be logged and the logs must be periodically audited. Walls must be full height, i.e. floor to ceiling with no gaps.