Server operators

SA14: People responsible for the operation of servers must have the skills, experience and/or training needed to implement these requirements, whether the system is managed directly by Harvard or via contract with a third-party service provider for Harvard's use (e.g. IaaS, SaaS).

Credit Card Transactions

U16: All users handling credit or debit card transactions must comply with University Cash Management requirements.

Disposing of Devices

D5: The information stored on the device must be protected against access when the device is disposed of.

Protecting Information on Devices against Loss, Theft, or Reuse

D2: The information stored on the device must be protected against access if the device is lost, stolen, or recycled/reissued to another user. All mobile devices (laptops, mobile phones, etc.) and workstations that may be used to store or access Harvard information, including accessing Harvard email, must be securely configured, including encryption of data stored on the device, where this feature is supported.

Configuring Devices

Note: Enforcement of configurations for personally-managed devices will be phased in, beginning with alerts of non-compliance and grace periods to resolve detected gaps.
D1: All devices connecting to or installed on a non-guest Harvard network or authenticating to Harvard applications must be configured for secure operation, including non-default unique passwords/credentials that limit access to authorized individuals and services, proper registration of the device on the network, current and supported operating system (firmware and software), regular updates and...

Read more about Configuring Devices

Configure Devices

All devices must be configured for secure storage, transport, and disposal of confidential information.

Application owner and classification level

SA1: Server operators must be able to identify a responsible party, known as the business application owner, for each application on the server and the data classification level of the information that the application stores and processes.