Level 5

Note: There is a unique level of risk associated with Level 5, for which special precautions are required. Security controls are handled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the HUIT Information Security Team as assigned by an IRB. 

Level 5 information would cause severe harm to individuals or the University if disclosed.

Level 5 information includes human-subject research containing individually identifiable information that if disclosed would create risk of criminal liability, loss of insurability or employability, or severe social, psychological, reputational, financial or other harm to an individual or group.

Level 5 is restricted to research information classified as Level 5 by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).


  • Information covered by a regulation or agreement that requires that data be stored or processed in a high security environment and on a computer not connected to the Harvard data networks
  • Certain individually identifiable medical records and identifiable genetic information categorized as extremely sensitive